The ST front page news report on ‘Need people’s support for waste management’ (ST April 19, 2022) makes an amusing read. Apparently Mr Prestone Tynsong Dy CM had observed that a permanent sanitary land fill site for Shillong and Jowai will not materialize without people’s cooperation. Let us give Tynsong the benefit of the doubt and accept that he really meant what he said. The problem is if we continue to speak of ‘landfill sites for garbage’ and the only example of such is Marten, then forget about people’s cooperation. No one in their right minds will be willing to take a chance on a garbage land-fill anywhere near their habitations.
My advice to the Government is to start using the term ‘Waste processing unit’. I believe one such unit is being set up in Tura with Korean help. The technology used is to turn plastic and organic waste into fuel to be used in cement plants. That is what is needed for both Shillong and Jowai – a processing plant to turn garbage (approximately 200 tonnes a day from both places ) into an economically marketable product. It’s the only viable solution to our garbage problems
I believe the Meghalaya High Court too had expressed its concern over the matter, which is most welcome. Now let us be more realistic about willingness of the public to part with land for the disposal of Shillong garbage. Sometime ago the Urban Affairs Department had issued a clarification that acquisition of land for such a purpose was well under way. Then complete silence! Now the Department has come up with the same lame excuse that non-availability of land due to public resistance is the cause for delay on the matter. A little bird says that this is only partly true. Alternate sites 25 to 30 km away from Shillong were available and Urban Affairs negotiations for the same were under way. Then suddenly the public refused to cooperate. It is learnt that this was mainly due to the minister concerned starting to negotiate with the land owners and demanding a hefty cut from the amount decided for compensation. No wonder there was no cooperation from the people since the purpose of the whole exercise was changed. Instead of land acquisition for the benefit of the people the whole negotiations revolved on how much the concerned minister could make out of the deal. Shameful and disgraceful are the only words that come to mind!
Now, I personally know for sure that land for the processing of garbage is still available in areas around Shillong. They might be some distance away but under the circumstances they would be a big relief and one should not look too closely at a gift horse in the mouth. The problem is, based on experience, we cannot afford to leave the process of land acquisition to the Urban Affairs Department alone as our bureaucrats are incapable of resisting the voracious appetite of their unscrupulous and corrupt political bosses. Acquisition of such land should, ideally be under the supervision of the court. Only then can we the citizens have relief . Politicians and the Government should not take offence at such suggestions. Accept the truth; your inability to curb the insatiable appetite of some ministers for money and therefore your helplessness in the matter.
Yours etc.,
Ailadmiki Syngkli,
Via email
An unpardonable act
John S Kharkongor’s letter, “We demand strict action against errant truckers,” (ST April 19, 2022) has appeared at the most critical hour. While expressing our deepest condolences to the family of Deenadayalan Vishwa, and family of Dipal Das, with prayers that the departed souls find eternal peace. To read of such accidents makes one’s blood boil. This accident in which the truck jumped the all life-saving central divider, to smash the car is unprecedented in traffic accidents.
A judicious investigation by the judiciary with persons having a background in automobile engineering should assist the investigation. This is of vital importance and a dire necessity as my experience tells me that after having witnessed many such inquiries there are some who may defend the indefensible and with no engineering inputs the truckers managed to escape the law. We have to follow up the case minutely, as it involves truckers and truckers are a powerful lot, not to be taken lightly. We are duped in all Departments of traffic. The 240 mm stretch from Byrni to Ratacherra is bereft of speed dividers and from Mawryngkneng to Ratacherra, there are no speed radars, no breath-analysers and with wine stores at every 30 km, it’s a miracle that lives are not lost every single day.
The drivers would come up with some flimsy excuses about the failure of the steering and the brake at the same instant which is next to impossible. There had been cases of accidents on the Shillong Jowai road with overloaded coal trucks. All victims died but there’s no police follow up. And as long as there are accidents, in which motor insurance is more prompt to award smashed bumpers and our Accident Tribunals never deliver justice to the dead or injured, and worst no judicial follow up, these tragic incidents will continue to take more lives.
The driver in this ghastly incident has no right to be pardoned. At the same time, truckers should have the moral responsibility to behave more humanly so that our morning news will not be sour in future. Let us hope that this case would not wither away, as happened to all such tragic cases from the beginning of 2021 and those before it. Only stern punishment will serve as a deterrent to murder.
Yours etc
W. Passah
Religions must build, not destroy
I am writing this letter to protest the recent anti-Muslim riots in Jahangirpuri, Delhi, on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, when a local mosque was desecrated by Hindu extremists. According to one report: “A Hindu mob smashed beer bottles inside the mosque, put up saffron flags there and chanted Jai Shri Ram [Hail Lord Ram].” I protest, as well, other communal riots between Hindus and Muslims during Hanuman Jayanti and Ram Navami in various states of India.
While all this has to be painful, frightening, and unjust for Muslims, who are every bit as Indian as are Hindus, and while the lives lost needlessly through these riots, point to the main tragedy of post-independent India, which is communalism — such Hindu extremist actions betray the heart and essence of Hinduism itself. This essence preaches the greatest catholicity ever, both through ancient texts, like the Rig Veda, and through the rarefied experiences of great Hindu mystics — like Sri Ramakrishna. These texts and mystics have the same message — that while Truth [i.e. God] is but one, many are the paths to it. Moreover, Hindu bigots desecrate the symbolism and dignity of the saffron color, which stands for the main virtue of the Indian civilization, which is renunciation. Traditionally, saffron has stood for the most radical renunciation of hearth and home, all for the love of God — a renunciation that stands as the surest antidote to capitalism. But today, saffron signifies Hindu violence, communalism, and bigotry. Like all bigots, these extremists, therefore, are enemies (not votaries) of Hinduism. Religions destroy themselves when they destroy other religions.
Yours, etc.,
Deepa Majumdar,
Via email