Monday, March 3, 2025

Church finally steps out of the purdah


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By Toki Blah

The leading news caption in the Shillong Times of 27th May 2022 titled “Church leaders meet politicians, call for a corruption-free Govt,” accompanied by a picture of the said deliberations and its participants, did come as a pleasant surprise for a Meghalayan citizenry that had for the last couple of days and weeks been thoroughly demoralized and disheartened by unbroken reports of scams, cases of cheating and outright rip-offs happening with in the Governance domain of this state. Buildings and structures ranging from Inter State Bus Terminals, highway bridges, roads and finally the Dome of the building that was supposed to host debates and discourses by our elected Law Makers , literally came crashing about our ears. Preceding these mishaps on capital investments made by this government there were the continuous whispers , that simply refused to die down, of illegal coal mining and transport of the same, ably abetted by powerful ministers within the Cabinet. To add to our list of misfortunes came the national rankings by the Central Government which found Meghalaya at the bottom of every development indicator, and the most dismaying is the downslide in Education, that once was the Flagship of Meghalayan achievements. This too had taken a body blow mainly due to incompetence and paucity of attention, that Education had received from our MLAs. All in all a dismal scenario in mal- governance and therefore the wake-up call by the Church, the most powerful institution in our state, and its demand from the defenders of our future to uphold the Rule of Law, did come as a very pleasant bolt from the blue.
The phrase “Bolt from the Blue” is usually used to express utter unexpected surprise and within the context of this article it came as a massive but pleasurable jaw dropper simply because the Church, until this moment, had preferred to carry on with its illusion of aloofness and distance from the day to day business of governance and administration. The refusal of our clergy and their dogmatic refusal to recognize the umbilical connection between poor delivery of justice, governance and development with the rising social evils that ultimately affects both body and soul of society, had always been a source of bitter disappointment to most believers and followers of the Fisherman. It is now apparent that some forward thinking elements among church leaders have finally decided that enough is enough and are stepping out of the self-imposed purdah of the Church with regards to its involvement in secular, lay matters of governance. The Church appears ready to come out of its hibernation and indifference to challenge a corrupt political system that has held Meghalaya and its institutions hostage for the last 50 years. It seems that this influential faith institution of Meghalaya (or to be more exact, some of its forward and progressive looking laity and clergy) that holds 75% of the state’s population as its members, is now ready, to indentify and challenge the corruption and rot that has managed to infiltrate the hallowed portals of our democratic system; ready to speak on behalf of an anxious, leaderless and perplexed people. The Church has identified the political parties as the main carrier and host of the virus that has attacked our electoral system and institutions and this is not an unjust, nor incorrect nor unfair diagnosis. The Khasi Jaintia Church Leaders Forum( KJCLF) had then decided to drive home its point through a meeting with personalities that head our political parties. This development must be welcomed and encouraged by all well-wishers of Meghalaya. We need major stakeholders in the development of our state to call out; awaken and lead on issues that negatively impact on the welfare of Meghalaya and its people.
So, lets see where and how this progressive, budding development led by the KJCLF is likely to play out within the established Church denominations of our state. I have a strong feeling that most established Churches will view this attempt of the KJCLF with a certain amount of distaste and hesitancy. I belong to the Presbyterian Church and have myself, a number of times, raised the issue of Church intervention in improving the political governing system within our state. The usual reply and argument by my own church leaders in rebuffing my plea are quotes from the Bible such as from Romans 13:1-7, where persons are directed to subject themselves to the governing authorities, John 18:36, where Jesus had said that His Kingdom is not of this World and Mark 12:17 with the famous quote “Render to Caesar—–” are thrown at my face to shut me up. This however has not stopped my Church leaders from rubbing shoulders with politicians stained with the reputation of being “dirty”; nor prevented my church from approaching such politicians for help in setting up of lavishly decked up shamianas and pandals for large church gatherings nor from asking contributions from such people for various other church related activities. Where the money comes from for such help has never really been questioned! Politics has instead been closely associated with the denomination a candidate belongs to or the position he holds within the church community. Some Church elders have even been brainwashed by that immoral motto of “Winability” as propagated by some leading lights of our political parties where the win of a political character is projected as a win for the denomination he belongs to. It happens not only with the Presbyterians but with other denominations too, or so I am told. Sad but a reality which thrives and does exist in our midst.
Here I have to clarify another truth and that is, all church leaders or clergy cannot be tarred with the same brush. Some are really worried by the failure of their church in addressing bad governance or corrupt practices within the political system and are as anguished as the next person with the downward slide of governance in our state. These are advocates for greater involvement of the Church in bringing about better governance and in identifying Christianity as a champion of good governance. This other side of Church leadership champion involvement of the Church but limited to (a) creating better public understanding and awareness about election of public representatives (not to be confused with active involvement in party politics) (b) They quote Romans 13- for creating public awareness that the leaders we elect make decisions on our behalf and this underscores the importance of Good Governance and maintenance of social justice (c) Psalm 72:12-14 – election of wise leaders to uphold justice and the common good, especially for those who are poor and needy (d ) from Leviticus 19:15 and James 2:2-4 on the call for leaders to govern without partiality. All of this clearly shows that the Holy Scriptures can be subjected to various interpretations. In our case however it simply boils down to the will and desire to make the Church a major stakeholder in the introduction and maintenance of Good Governance through the election of capable, morally and principled leaders (not to be confused with “U briew Babha”, who excels in the art of distributing free money and goodies) and of the need for better public understanding about the process of electing such leaders.
In conclusion, I as a Christian take great pride in identifying the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ as a harbinger of Good News. The message from his birth in a dingy manger of a shabby and stinking stable is “Joy to the World and Peace on Earth”. How can there be Joy in the midst of sickness, hunger, unemployment, hopelessness, frustration, anger and ignorance amidst the fear for an uncertain tomorrow. How can there be Peace where poverty reigns, where inequality in society is encouraged and promoted, where corruption prevails and ill gotten wealth dominates a society that professes the administrative Principles of “Kamai ia ka Hok” and “Ka tip briew, ka Tip Blei”, where elected leaders neglect public service and instead rule to enrich themselves and their businesses and where people struggle for existence in a visionless governing dispensation of clueless leaders? Can the Church afford to remain an indifferent soulless spectator in the midst of such chaos and confusion? Is it not the mandate of the Church to enlighten the electorate and the public on the need for accountable, transparent leadership, better governance and how to get it within a Parliamentary Democracy such as ours? Should the Church not step in and from the pulpit provide direction, guidelines and awareness to the laity on the profile and class of leadership we need to elect for ourselves? Not to get involved in the unscrupulous going-ons of Party politics but to be responsible for bringing in accountable, transparent politics in our state. I sincerely believe that besides upholding aspects of “Praise and Worship” that are aimed at sustaining the soul, the Church also has the mandate of teaching its members on how to elect leaders that inspire Hope and Vision while on this Earth. Perhaps this writeup has trodden and hurt many a sensitive toe. Perhaps it goes against the grain of many on whom the light of introspection has been thrown at. If it has, so be it. No apologies, for it is the truth and the truth at times can be bitter but also needs to be said to correct existing flaws.
Author is the President of ICARE


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