By Uma Purkayastha

Many mothers lost their infants and heard their cries from under the debris but were unable to rescue them. Panicked and hapless people had to take shelter in the open fields of Jail Road, Polo Ground, etc., ignoring heavy showers and chilly winds. The tremor continued with intervals for a few days, and the suffering of distressed people knew no bounds. Much of Shillong was flooded with lake water and overflowing brooks, and the water became undrinkable.

In Shillong, the earthquake took place at about 5:11 pm on June 12. The shock was preceded by a rumbling noise from beneath that lasted for about 3 minutes. The actual earthquake lasted about two-and-a-half minutes. This noise was likened to a thousand ships’ engines thumping away in the midst of a storm at sea. The shocks were so severe and prolonged that everything was levelled to the ground.

There were also several reports from Shillong in Luttman-Johnson’s paper. In one report, a young lady mentioned that there were aftershocks almost every 10 minutes on the night of June 12 and during the day on the 13th. Another letter was from a lady who was in a house that came crushing on her but she miraculously survived.
The deputy commissioner of Shillong narrated the havoc in Shillong. Since he was unable to contact Guwahati by telegraph, he had to send two constables to go to Guwahati, 63 miles away, on foot to gather information from there. He worked through the night of June 12, supervising rescue operations [Ref: 1897 Assam earthquake from Wikipedia]
The late Sushila Dutta, the mother of Suprava Dutta, a professor at Lady Keane College, had recollected her terrible experience of the furious moments of the earthquake at her young age.
“It was Saturday at 5 pm. All schools and offices had a half-holiday and so, my husband was at home. I had a high fever and doctor Kamala Charan Dutta examined me at home and prescribed medicines. Prasanna Babu, a very close friend of my husband was also present there. My little girl of one year was playing on the floor in my bedroom. Suddenly, a violent tremor! A violent jerk with a tremendous rumbling sound! Our house was moving and collapsing! I panicked and tried to get my little daughter to me. But within a blink of an eye, the house collapsed and I discovered myself thrown outside onto the compound, and doctor babu grasping my little daughter was helplessly crying for rescue from half underground. It was an unbearable scene!
“The tremor continued with full intensity as I was crying and trying to rescue my child. My husband and our servants, with spade and axe, cleared the debris and rescued them very tactfully from a very critical condition. We had to take shelter in the Jail Road field. The tremor continued for almost three days at intervals. Many mothers lost their children, and heard their cries from beneath the rubbles but failed to rescue them despite all attempts. That deadly earthquake left an indelible mark in my memory.” [Translated from ‘Shillong-er Smriti’ by Sushila Sundari Dutta published in ‘Netaji Pathagar Golden Jubilee Souvenir’]
Her narration revealed that after the disastrous earthquake, many seismologists from home and abroad visited Shillong. Prof. Asuri from Japan advised the local authorities to construct light buildings with wooden planks, etc., in Shillong instead of concrete buildings. Since then, Assam-type buildings began coming up in Shillong and other earthquake-prone areas in Assam.
Shillong today is rapidly being developed with multi-storied RCC buildings replacing the old Assam-type structures. The collapse of the steel dome of the new Assembly building at Mawdiangdiang should be a warning for the city’s planners. If incessant rain could inflict damage to the Assembly building and other new structures such as the Inter-State Bus Terminus, one shudders to think what may happen if an 1897-like earthquake strikes Meghalaya again.