SHILLONG, Dec 19: The Border Security Force (BSF) Meghalaya has seized cosmetics and clothing items worth Rs 38 lakh from the border areas of East Khasi Hills in two separate incidents on Sunday after foiling bids by miscreants to smuggle the consignment to Bangladesh.
The items were being carried as head load by miscreants near the international boundary. On seeing BSF troops approach towards them, miscreants ran towards the Bangladesh side taking the benefit of unfenced border and left the consignment behind.
The seized items were handed over to customs office in Pynursla for further investigation and legal action.
The PRO of BSF Meghalaya said that during the span of the year, the force seized cosmetics items worth Rs 1.6 crore and clothing items worth Rs 1.5 crore due to enhanced alertness and vigil by BSF troops.