Monday, June 17, 2024

Harassed by colleague, dentist from Lucknow commits suicide in B’luru


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Bengaluru, Feb 2: A female dentist from Lucknow committed suicide in Bengaluru after being constantly harassed by a colleague at a hospital here, police said.

The victim worked at the MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital.

According to the police, she was being pestered by her colleague, identified as Sumit who worked in the same hospital.

It is alleged that Sumit had forced the victim to marry him and also compelled her to consume alcohol and smoke.

The accused was also pestering the deceased to give him money. But she turned down all his requests, the police said.

Enraged by this, Sumit allegedly spread rumours about the the victim’s character at the hospital, following which she took the drastic step.

The incident had taken place on January 25 and the Sanjaynagar police are investigating the case.


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