New Delhi, March 26:Two days after getting disqualified from the Lok Sabha, Congress Rahul Gandhi on Sunday changed his Twitter bio and wrote ‘Dis’Qualified MP’.
His Twitter bio now reads as, “This is an official account of Rahul Gandhi, member of Indian National Congress and Dis’Qualified MP.”
Gandhi on Saturday said that democracy “is under attack and that he is not scared to ask questions about the relationship between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Adani Group.”
He made the remarks while addressing a press conference in Delhi.
“My voice is being suppressed,” Rahul Gandhi said, and claimed that he spoke to the Speaker against the false accusations made by four ministers but was not allowed to speak.
He also alleged that the “relationship between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Gautam Adani is not new”.
“I will not stop asking questions about whose money is the Rs 20,000 crore that has come out from shell companies,” he added.
The senior Congress leader further said that he is here to defend the voice of the nation, adding: “I am not scared of prison sentence, disqualification and others. I am not that type of person and they do not understand me. I am not going to back down and will be on principle.”
Rahul Gandhi was on Friday disqualified as member of the Lok Sabha, a day after his conviction in the 2019 ‘Modi surname’ defamation case.
The Gandhi scion, who represents the Wayanad parliamentary constituency of Kerala, was disqualified under provisions of Article 102 (1) (e) of the Constitution of India read with Section 8 of Representation of the People’s Act.
He was on Thursday sentenced to two years in jail by a Surat court in the case filed on a complaint by BJP MLA Purnesh Modi. (IANS)