SHILLONG, March 31: The State Council of Science, Technology & Environment (SCSTE), Meghalaya, on Friday organised a youth forum programme — lecture series on Biodiversity and Mineral Resources with relevance to the state of Meghalaya, at Shillong College.
According to a statement, the programme was organised in collaboration with Department of Botany and Department of Zoology, Shillong College, and supported by Himalayan Knowledge Network Programme, and GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora, Uttarakhand, and was attended by teachers, students and research scholars from Shillong College, St. Anthony’s College and NEHU.
Shillong College principal Dr. E Kharkongor, who was the chief guest, encouraged the youth representatives from the educational institutes to take up environmental issues with and bring forth solutions.
While Programme Officer, SCSTE, Dr. DR Wahlang, gave a brief preview of the Youth Forum to the audience, lectures on the thematic areas were delivered by Prof. D Walia of Department of Geology, NEHU, Shillong, Dr. C Deori, Scientist ‘E’, Botanical Survey of India, Shillong, and Dr. B Sinha, Scientist ‘E’, Zoological Survey of India, Shillong.
The lecture series was followed by an interactive session and expert panel discussion where the students interacted with the experts as well as officials of SCSTE and Shillong College.