New Delhi, July 23: Three Delhi Police personnel, including an Inspector, a Sub-Inspector (SI), and an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), posted with the Central Delhi district, were placed under suspension for allegedly demanding crores of Rupees in bribe from the relatives of an Arunachal Pradesh-based politician who is also a central minister.
Three Delhi cops suspended for demanding bribe from relatives of Union minister
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A source said that the action was taken by DCP Central Delhi, Sanjay Sain, after complaints were received from the Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister and the Union Minister.
The suspended officers are Inspector Girish Jain, S-I Akhil Kumar, and ASI Rakesh, and the suspension order was issued on July 21.
“During the period of suspension, they will receive a subsistence allowance equal to the amount they would have earned on half pay leave, along with dearness allowance and other usual allowances based on their leave salary at the time of suspension. If the suspension period exceeds three months, their subsistence allowance will be reviewed,” read the suspension order accessed by IANS.
The order further stated that the suspended policemen will deposit their kit in the clothing store and Identity Cards in the General Branch. They are required to report to the Central District during their suspension period, the order said.
They have also been warned not to leave the Headquarters.
“Headquarter will be District Line/Central District and they will not leave the Headquarter without the prior permission of the competent authority,” the order read
No official was available to comment on the matter.
Further details are awaited. (IANS)