The popular anime series My Hero Academia is now getting five language Indian dub on Cartoon Network upon its premiere, as the series will now be featured with quality Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam dubbing.
The voice actors voicing the main characters in Hindi include Vidit Kumar, who will be voicing Izuku Midoriya, Sahil Vinod Kulkarni will voice Katsuki Bakugo, and Mohak Ninadvoices give the voice for All Might.
The Indian TV premiere of the show will mark a celebration of Japanese animation’s distinctive flair. The broad narrative of the My Hero Academia universe revolves around a world where superpowers are a common fact, and those who possess them are called ‘Quirks’. The world reshaped itself according to their appearance.
Now people with Quirks not only help keep everyone safe, but also support society in growing and developing. Among the many ‘Quirks’, a few get chosen as ‘Heroes’ who collaborate with various government authorities to tackle the threat of enemies called ‘Villains’. (IANS)
Hit anime series My Hero Academia to be dubbed in 5 Indian languages
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