An Abe Lincoln photo made during his 1858 ascendancy has been donated to his museum
SPRINGFIELD (Illinoid), Oct 15: During his momentous U.S. Senate campaign against Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln sat for a photograph after politicking in western Illinois and presented one of the copies to a man severely injured while testing a cannon for Lincoln’s campaign rally. As a small measure of compassion, Lincoln presented one version of the image to the injured man, Charles Lame, who overcame a deadly infection in an arm torn up by the blast with the help of flesh-eating maggots. The tale provides an unlikely, ghastly background to the original 1858 ambrotype created during the future nation-saving Civil War president’s ascendancy, an image which the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum has added to its collection, officials said Tuesday. “Original images of Abraham Lincoln are extraordinarily rare, and images with a fascinating back story like this are even more rare,” said Christina Shutt, executive director of the library and museum. “Lincoln fans everywhere should thank Charles Lame’s descendants for this generous donation.” (AP)
S Korean League of Legends team wins gold at Asian Games, gets military exemption
HANGZHOU, Oct 15: South Korea’s League of Legends team beat Taiwan on Friday at the Asian Games despite being without its star player, capturing not only the gold medal but also winning an exemption from military service at home. In South Korea, the law exempts athletes, classical and traditional musicians, and ballet and other dancers from military service if they have obtained top prizes in certain competitions and are assessed to have enhanced national prestige. Whether online gamers should be included in the exemption has been a matter of discussion in South Korea, but there was no sign of any dissent at the Hangzhou esports arena during the gold-medal matches, where many in the crowd waved South Korean flags and cheered loudly as their team bested Taiwan. (AP)