Bollywood star Ranveer Singh, who has been feted with the prestigious Yusr Award at the Red Sea International Festival, has talked about playing the flamboyant character of Rocky Randhawa in ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani’and tagged the role as the ‘direct descendant’ of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s iconic character, Poo, from ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’.
In an interview for the Samira Turkistani YouTube channel, Ranveer started by quoting filmmaker Karan Johar, describing Rocky as “the direct descendant of Poo.”
The character of Poo, played by Kareena in the 2001 film ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham….’ is till date one of the most talked about and relevant characters. It gained the spotlight due to the fashion, lingo and appeal.
In the conversation, Ranveer expressed his delight at Rocky’s reception,
He said: “I am so happy with the way people engaged with Rocky, the little Rockyisms that have come into colloquial use, that’s when you know a character is really loved.”
‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ also stars Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan. Ranveer will next be seen in ‘Don 3’.
Ranveer Singh calls Rocky ‘direct descendant’ of Kareena Kapoor’s ‘Poo’ from K3G
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