On Tuesday, Special Judge Kaveri Baweja of the Rouse Avenue Court extended Sisodia’s judicial custody in the same case being probed by the CBI till May 15. On the same day, she will hear the arguments regarding the framing of charges against the accused in the case.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Delhi High Court granted four days to the CBI and the ED to file a reply on the pleas moved by Sisodia seeking bail after a trial court denied him regular bail in the money laundering cases being probed by both agencies.
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma sought replies from both agencies and listed the matter for the next hearing on May 13.
Last time, she had allowed Sisodia to meet his wife once a week after noting that the ED had no objection to it.
On April 30, Special Judge Baweja had refused to grant bail to Sisodia.
Sisodia’s bail application has been pending since February.