Saturday, June 22, 2024

Blaze devours church in West Jaintia Hills


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SHILLONG, May 22: The Mupliang Presbyterian Church in West Jaintia Hills was gutted in a devastating fire, allegedly caused due to short circuit, at around 1 am on Wednesday.
The church which falls under Nangbah Nangjngi Hadem Presbytery was constructed 15 years back. Presently, there are more than 800 faithful associated with the church which is governed by 18 church elders and other members of the church committee.
Preliminary investigation revealed that fire broke out due to an electric short circuit in the store room where the generator and other belongings of the church were kept.
Members of the church learnt about the incident at around 2 am when the fire engulfed the roof of the church.
Locals and faithful looked on helplessly as no one could venture close to the church due to the intensity of the blaze.
Fire tenders from Jowai reached the spot at around 3 am. By the time the fire tenders arrived, the church and all its belongings had been reduced to ashes, a member of the church said.
Two church elders, K Ryngkhlem and B Ryngkhlem expressed grief on seeing the church being reduced to ashes. The blaze led to anguish, with faithful and locals mourning their loss.
The said besides the church building, other equipment lost in the blaze include the new sound system, musical instruments like drums, three guitars, two Casio pianos, furniture, and belongings of the Seng Kynthei (women group), among others.
The church elders said investigation was under way and the total damage is expected to run into several crores of rupees.


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