Monday, June 17, 2024

Garo Hills region shows improvement, 35.87% pass SSLC


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Tura, May 24: On a heartening note, the SSLC results are out and not only has Garo Hills shone through some individual brilliance, collectively too, the region has shown improvement, this time registering one of its highest pass % in close to a decade.

Last year the region had secured an overall pass % close to 29 and with more than a 6% jump in numbers, education in the region could be heading the right way.

This year a total of 24527 students took the SSLC exam with 8797 of them passing the grade. The best performing district was West Garo Hills (WGH) with 4524 students out of 10604 getting through for an overall pass percentage of 42.66.

East Garo Hills followed closely behind with 1177 students out of 2946 making the grade for a pass % of 39.95. SGH on the other hand saw 957 students make the cut out of 2714 (35.26%) followed by SWGH with 1039 out of 3657 (28.41%).

NGH took the wooden spoon with only 1100 out of 4606 students making the cut (23.88%).


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