Sunday, June 30, 2024

Group seeks stay order on officials transfer in SGH


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Tura, June 25: The ACHIK from South Garo Hills has appealed to Chief minister Conrad Sangma urging him to grant a stay order for Chokpot Civil SDO and Baghmara ADC, P R Sangma who was issued transfer orders recently.

“Sangma has demonstrated excepti0onal dedication and commitment to the region’s growth since his appointment. His transfer would be a significant loss to the community in the district who have so far benefitted from his tireless efforts,” it said, in its appeal.

The organization strongly condemned the alleged unethical game of politics aimed at transferring the official, adding his continued presence is required for the community’s welfare and development.

Meanwhile, its Vice President Greneth M Sangma, in a separate release has urged immediate action to be taken against erring officials from the district, who are reportedly neglecting their duties.

In his complaint to the Chief Secretary in Shillong, Greneth said that complaints received from the general public from all across the district, have revealed that these officials have been remaining absent from their duties especially, on Mondays and Fridays. He sought prompt legal action against them.


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