Sunday, June 30, 2024

KSU meets Mondal over power failures, staff shortage


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From Our Correspondent

MAWKYRWAT, June 26: The Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) South West Khasi Hills unit met Power Minister AT Mondal on Wednesday to address critical issues of transformer failures and staff shortages in the Mawkyrwat Sub Division.
KSU president Forwardman Nongrem highlighted the persistent problem of transformer failures affecting over 25 villages in the sub-division.
“Transformer failures have become routine in various villages under Mawkyrwat Sub Division. We urge the Minister’s office to replace all damaged transformers with new ones. This should be done by defining the load characteristics of each location and selecting transformer types that can withstand the local pressure and environmental conditions, including the high humidity levels in Mawkyrwat,” Nongrem stated.
The Union also raised concerns about the severe staff shortages in the MePDCL Mawkyrwat Sub Division.
“In the event of a power outage or failure, the Sub Division is overwhelmed with tasks. It has come to our attention that areas like Wahkaji, Phlangdiloin, Umdohlun, Rangthong, Nongnah, and Warsan Lyngdoh are each served by only one lineman, who is responsible for more than 30 villages. We have requested the recruitment of more personnel to handle the workload,” Nongrem added.
Additionally, the KSU urged the Power Minister to replace all corroded poles in the district to prevent future mishaps and power failures.
The power minister has reportedly assured the KSU delegation that he would look into the issues raised by the student body.


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