Kalki Koechlin, who recently became a mother to a baby girl named Sappho with her partner Guy Hershberg, has revealed her daughter’s new love for pets. Kalki Koechlin pointed out that the interest in pets was sparked by Alia Bhatt’s children’s book, Ed Finds a Home. Taking to her Instagram Stories on Wednesday, Kalki shared a page from the book. The page shows a little girl introducing a lost dog to her father. Along with the picture, Kalki jokingly blamed Alia for causing some trouble at home. She said that Sappho now wants a sweet dog like the one in the book. Along with the picture, Kalki added a caption that read, “Uh oh you got us in trouble Alia Bhatt. Now Sappho wants Ed in our home.” Alia saw the post and responded with several laughing emojis. (ANI)