As Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor’s magnum opus Padmaavat, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, is all set to turn seven, the makers will be re-releasing the movie on January 24 to mark the milestone. Bhansali Productions took to Instagram, where they shared the film’s poster and made the announcement. “Witness the epic tale on the big screen again. #Padmaavat in cinemas on 24th January. @ranveersingh @deepikapadukone @shahidkapoor @jimsarbhforreal @aditiraohydari #SanjayLeelaBhansali @ajit_andhare @bhansaliproductions @Viacom18Studios @tseries.official #Padmaavat #7YearsOfPadmaavat,” read the caption. The blockbuster historical drama, based on the poem Padmavat by Malik Muhammad Jayasi, tells the tale of Rani Padmavati’s legendary beauty, her defiance against the ruthless Sultan Alauddin Khilji, and her unyielding courage. (IANS)
Ranveer, Deepika & Shahid-starrer Padmaavat to re-release on Jan 24
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