PHULBARI, Jan 23: A group of residents from the Nidanpur area near Tikrikilla in West Garo Hills (WGH) has allegedly set up a ‘vaccine gate’ where they are demanding Rs 2,000 per buffalo and Rs 1,000 per cow from traders bringing cattle from other parts of the state and Assam. According to sources, the gate falls under the jurisdiction of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (AH&V) department, although the collectors have refused to show any documents to substantiate their claims.
The shocking development apparently began on Monday, Jan 20, when cattle traders were reportedly stopped by a group allegedly led by a lawyer who claimed to have obtained permission to collect money on behalf of the department.
AH&V checkpoints are meant to be placed on roads to monitor the health of cattle and livestock and provide vaccinations if necessary. However, local traders stated that no personnel from the department were present at the gate, nor were any vaccinations or health checks being conducted. The individuals manning the gate were solely demanding money for the cattle being brought to various markets in Garo Hills.
When traders asked the gatekeepers for an official order permitting the collection of money, the gatekeepers refused to provide any proof, claiming they were supported by the ruling dispensation to collect taxes from cattle traders.
Previously, another ‘vaccine gate’ had been set up at Khamari, about 3 kilometers from the current location. That gate operated for nearly seven months before being shut down. Similar to the current case, it was reportedly involved in extorting money from traders under the pretense of providing vaccines. “There was no veterinary doctor on-site to administer vaccines, but there were plenty of people to collect money from cattle traders. Vaccination is free, and even if there is a nominal charge, it should be backed by proper documentation. The previous order never mentioned collecting taxes from traders, but they forcibly took money from us,” a trader said on condition of anonymity.
The extent of the operation appears to be significant. If traders refuse to pay, one of the gatekeepers, allegedly the mastermind of the illegal operation, confiscates the cattle and takes them to his residence. The cattle are only released after the traders make the forced payment.
“We are all legal traders with complete documentation. We understand if this was a case of illegal smuggling. Even in such a case, the gatekeepers have no right to confiscate our cattle. They should hand over the cattle to the local police station. What right do they have to force us to pay and seize our cattle, which we have purchased with our hard-earned money?” another trader questioned, also on condition of anonymity.
Reportedly, the gatekeepers operate by counting the cattle heads and recording the trader’s name. The trader later receives a call from the gatekeepers to make weekly payments. Many traders have already paid, while others have expressed concern and refused, stating they would rather stop their business than succumb to the extortion.
What is particularly concerning is that the gatekeepers continue their operations despite being reported to the local administration, suggesting they are backed by influential individuals.
Several traders have stated their intention to escalate the matter to the Chief Minister, seeking immediate resolution, as the excessive extortion costs are unsustainable. The gate, allegedly sanctioned by the AH&V department, mirrors the earlier case of the Khamari gate from seven months ago.
“Even if it is a government-sanctioned gate, they should provide receipts for the money collected. When we asked, they refused to issue any. How are we to believe that this gate is authorized by the government? This matter requires immediate investigation, and strict action should be taken against those harassing us in this manner,” said another resident.