Important issues before the ADC elections
Elections to the three autonomous district councils are approaching but have we understood the real meaning of elections? Can we still trust our politicians today? Is this MDC election important for our respective areas and regions. I stand as a citizen of Meghalaya and am humbled by the beauty of our land, our culture, and the strength of our democratic spirit. Meghalaya, with its rolling hills, vibrant traditions, and resilient people, is an integral part of our great Indian democracy. As we approach the MDC elections, a critical question confronts us: What is an election? And an equally important question – can we trust our present set of politicians?
Elections are more than just a process of casting votes. They are the heartbeat of democracy. Elections are the sacred bridge between the will of the people and the power to govern. An election gives us, the common citizens, a voice in shaping our future. It is not just a right but a responsibility—a duty we owe to ourselves, our children, and the generations to come. The future of our state lies in the kind of people we elect. In a state like Meghalaya, where every village and community has its unique needs and aspirations, an election is an opportunity to ensure that our leaders understand and represent us. It is a moment when every Khasi, Garo, and Jaintia can come together, not just to vote, but to decide the future of their homes, schools, markets, and environment. But can we trust our politicians? This is a question we must ask not with cynicism but with wisdom. Trust is not given freely—it must be earned. And politicians, my friends, are not gods; they are human beings chosen to serve us. They should be measured by their actions, their integrity, and their commitment to the people and not by their promises alone.
Let’s look around us. Have the politicians we have elected so far fulfilled the promises they made in the last elections? Have they worked to uplift the lives of the farmers, the youth, and the women of Meghalaya? Have they protected the forests, rivers, and sacred lands that are the soul of this state? These are the questions we must ask before we vote.
Value of choosing the right candidate: As we prepare to vote, let’s remember this: A vote is not a transaction; it is an investment. It is an investment in the future of our state. Choosing the right candidate means choosing someone who listens to our voices, understands our struggles, and works tirelessly for our welfare. We cannot be swayed by money, gifts, or empty slogans. Meghalaya does not need leaders who seek power for their own gain. We don’t need leaders who do business with this important responsibility. We don’t need a leader who has no plans for his own people. We don’t need leaders who know us only during election time but not in times of need. Meghalaya needs leaders who see their position as a responsibility, not an entitlement; leaders who respect the traditions of the past while embracing the opportunities of the future. We need leaders who care for the youth struggling with unemployment, the hygiene of our towns and cities, the free entry of the immigrants. Leaders who check the unpermitted settlers in our state. Today, our own people are not safe in our own state. Mixed marriage are on the rise in Meghalaya. We cannot think only of filling our stomachs but must also work for the safety of our people in the generations to come. Let us therefore use our votes wisely and engage in discussions with our family members, friends and relatives.
It is our duty to question the candidates and demand accountability. Let them know that they are answerable to us the people of Meghalaya. Let’s remind ourselves that democracy thrives when its citizens are informed, vigilant, and active. Our votes are our voice and our power so let not that voice be silenced by indifference or misused by corruption.
As Meghalaya stands on the brink of another election to the three autonomous councils, let us take this moment to reflect on our dreams for this land. Let us choose leaders who will honour our trust, uplift our lives, and preserve our heritage. Let us rise as a people, united in our commitment to democracy and our love for our state. Together, let us ensure that the MDC elections are not just a process but a promise—a promise to build a Meghalaya that is prosperous, just, and true to its values.
Yours etc.,
Pynshaibha Latam
Via email
Rejoinder on the news item on Mawlai Town Dorbar
Apropos of the news report on prohibiting public meetings and rallies in and around the Mawlai area to avoid disturbing the student community appearing for the coming board exams, the Mawlai Town Dorbar has clarified that all six candidates, including the candidate of the VPP, have unanimously agreed to this decision so why is the VPP expressing strong opposition on this matter? Indeed, the question right now is why is the VPP is against this decision of the Dorbar, which is, in fact, totally in favour of the student community? The VPP usually brags that its party hierarchy consists mainly of that academic community, but ironically, this opposition is primarily against the students of Mawlai and is therefore the height of hypocrisy. As a concerned citizen, I have witnessed this cheap political gimmick that the VPP indulges in from time to time or the sentimental manipulation of the innocent public. The VPP needs to stop this divisive and emotive politics before it polarises the Khasi, Jaintia community, where brothers of the same mother take up arms against each other for the sake of a political party.
Yours etc.,
W. Tariang,
Via email