Actor Rohman Shawl spoke candidly about his relationship with actress Sushmita Sen and her reaction to his work in the film Amaran. In an exclusive interview with IANS, when asked about her thoughts on his performance, Roman shared that Sushmita had been involved in the entire filming process and was well aware of everything happening behind the scenes. He stated, “Sushmita was involved throughout the filming journey, so she was aware of everything happening. She told me, “I see you finally coming into your own with this film,” which was a huge compliment. It boosted my confidence and my skills as an actor.” Despite speculations about ups and downs in their personal lives, Roman emphasised the importance of mutual respect as the foundation of their strong bond. In response to questions about past rumours of a romantic relationship, Roman mentioned, “We’re friends. What’s real doesn’t need to be managed or explained. It’s private, and that’s how it should be.” (IANS)