IIFA will be celebrating 25 Years of cinematic brilliance with a grand silver jubilee celebration in Jaipur, Rajasthan 2025. Filmmaker Karan Johar will be taking charge as the host for the award ceremony. Talking about the same, the Dharma head said that his heart swells with pride and gratitude as IIFA celebrates 25 years of global unity. Karan Johar revealed, “Hosting IIFA Awards has always been an incredible experience, but having the privilege to host IIFA’s global stage for the fourth time feels truly humbling and special. This year, as IIFA celebrates its glorious 25 years of cinematic brilliance and global unity, my heart swells with pride and gratitude. The International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) is so much more than an awards show-it’s a heartfelt celebration of Indian cinema and its global impact. Being part of this historic milestone is an honour I will cherish forever.” (IANS)
Karan Johar to host IIFA 2025: My heart swells with pride & gratitude
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