A meeting with the house landlord will be held at the Dorbar Hall Nongsohphoh Upper Mawprem on Saturday, at 11 a.m.
The Indian Youth Congress (IYC) secretary in-charge of Meghalaya Sarifa Rahman on Thursday approved the list of the new office bearers of the Meghalaya Pradesh Youth Congress (MPYC) with Timjim K Momin as president, Henry Kharmuti, Dravid G Marak and Junebirth C Marak as vice presidents. The new MPYC general secretaries include Chireng Peter R Marak, R Ivancecil L Nonglait, Norbert Jana Nongbet, Tengrik Sangma, Syllimon Challam, Balamphang Kharkongor and Derrick W Jyrwa.