Monday, June 24, 2024


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Shatrughan blesses Sonakshi-Zaheer; reception venue dolled up in red for all-night party

Shillong, June 23: The Bollywood veteran and Asansol's newly-elected...

Sensex Update: Markets look tired but expiry could change things

Shillong, June 23: Markets were open for four trading...

Houthi drone attack hits merchant vessel in Red Sea

Shillong, June 23: A merchant vessel flying the Liberian...

Aamir Khan visits Sevagram in Maharashtra; says ‘thoughts of Bapuji had a great influence on me’

Shillong, June 23: Bollywood's perfectionist Aamir Khan on Sunday...

Nagaland CM tells state’s AG to intervene as 45 Naga youth detained in Punjab

Shillong, June 23: Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio asked...

Yogi govt to plant 350 million saplings this year

Lucknow, June 23 : The Yogi Adityanath government plans...

Toddler, 5-year-old gangraped in Delhi, Kejriwal questions Modi, LG

ARRAYNEW DELHI: A toddler and a five-year-old girl were gang-raped here in separate incidents, leading to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who visited the victims...

HP police yet to make arrest in alleged cow smuggler lynching

NAHAN (HP): Himachal Pradesh Police was yet to make any arrest in the lynching of an alleged cow smuggler that has sparked outrage and...

‘Black money inside country’

BHUBANESWAR: The volume of black money stashed in the country is much more than that kept abroad, vice-chairman of Special Investigation Team (SIT) Justice...

Woman inmate raped at government home

KRISHNAGAR (WB): An inmate of a government home here in Krishnagar in West Bengal was allegedly raped by one of the workers and the...

Confident ATK to lock horns with Pune today

Pune: Seeking to consolidate its position at the top of the pecking order, Atletico de Kolkata will run into FC Pune City who will...

No threat of termination for CSK, RR as working group meets today

New Delhi: The two troubled Indian Premier League franchises Chennai Super Kings and Rajasthan Royals can breathe easy as BCCI members may not push...
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