Monday, June 17, 2024


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Rijiju meets Congress chief Kharge

NEW DELHI, June 16: Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju...

Israel’s army to pause fighting to help ramp up aid

Jerusalem, June 16: Israel’s military announced on Sunday that...

Serious questions on integrity of NTA, how NEET is conducted: Congress

Police recover 6 post-dated cheques ‘issued for question paper...

Union Law Minister hopeful about UCC implementation

KOLKATA, June 16: Union Law and Justice Minister Arjun...

EVM fully safe, says official

MUMBAI, June 16: A poll official on Sunday said...

Power Policy 2024-ni ning·o bijoli company-ko bikotna man·gnok

SHILLONG: Meghalaya sorkarini ra·gatenggipa gital Power Policy 2024-ni ning·o...

Indian Army prepares for future drone wars with deadly ‘Nagastra-1’

New Delhi, June 15: When tech billionaire Elon Musk says that future wars will be won by nations with the most effective drones, he...

Assam and other N-E states to receive heavy rain in next few days

  Guwahati, June 15: Owing to cyclonic circulations, Assam and other states in the northeastern region are set to receive heavy rain in the next...

Will keep working together to further global good, says PM Modi after meeting US President Biden

  Apulia (Italy), June 15: Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with several world leaders, including US President Joe Biden, after the conclusion of the G7...

Delhi HC orders removal of video of court proceedings posted by CM Kejriwal’s wife

  New Delhi, June 15:  The Delhi High Court on Saturday directed Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, to remove a video of...

India only South Asian country to attend Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit

  New Delhi, June 15: India is the only South Asian country that will attend a Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit over the weekend at Switzerland's...

From human-centric AI to green era, PM Modi leaves key message for G7 leaders

Apulia (Italy), June 14: From adopting a human-centric approach for artificial intelligence (AI) to creating a ‘green era', Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for...
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