New Delhi: The government has spent Rs.80 lakh on assistance to over 100 Indian women living abroad who had been deserted by their spouses and were in distress, a minister told the Rajya Sabha. In a written reply to a query from Congress MP from Goa Shantaram Naik, Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi Friday said the Indian women in distress were allowed an allowance of $2,000 in developing countries and $3,000 in developed countries. “A sum of Rs.80 lakh approximately has been disbursed to NGOs through Indian missions abroad for providing legal assistance to 104 Indian women in distress/deserted by their overseas spouses or facing divorce proceedings in foreign countries,” Ravi said. Over 27 NGOs and legal aid agencies, empanelled with the Indian missions is seven countries, namely United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Bahrain and Qatar had been assisting in the reach out programme last year, Ravi said. “The scheme would be available to Indian women who have been deserted by their overseas Indian or foreigner husbands or are facing divorce proceedings in a foreign country, subject to the conditions,” Ravi said, adding that the assistance would be limited to $3,000 per case in developed countries and $2,000 per case in developing countries. (IANS)