SHILLONG: West Jaintia Hills Police arrested four persons and seized fake currency worth Rs. 7500, all id 500 denominations, on Tuesday night.
The arrested persons were identified as Kyrshanmiki Dann of Nongjngi village, Rilang Talang of Mukroh, Chemi Phawa of Mihmyntdu vilage in West Jaintia Hills and Bok Bareh of Umsatai village in East Jaintia Hills.
Sources informed that Kyrshanmiki and Rilang were circulating the fake notes in Muthlong area on Tuesday. They had bought 20 packets of cigarette with the motive of exchange the fake notes with genuine ones. When one of the local shop owners found that the 500-rupee note was fake the duo tried to escape. They were, however, chased down by the villagers and handed over to police at Phramer.
On being interrogated by police, the duo revealed that two of their friends were also involved in circulating fake note in Jaintia Hills. A team of police accompanied by Rilang then arrested Chemi Phawa and Bok Bareh.