JOWAI: The loss of lives of coal labourers in mine accidents in the mineral-rich East Jaintia Hills District of the State continues unabated, even as an incapacitated Government and the unconcerned mine owners continue to ignore the plight of the labourers.
On January 7, at around 12 noon, one Abu Bakar, a labourer, was killed when a coal mine in which he was working caved in.
Sources informed that Bakar was working in a coal mine at a place called Umthe in East Jaintia Hills when the coal quarry suddenly caved in, and caused him critical injuries. The victim was rushed to the Khliehriat CHC where he succumbed to his injuries. The mine owner, Kermiki Shadap, of Sutnga village informed the matter to Khliehriat Police who registered a regular case under Section 304A IPC – a section that deals with any cause of death owing to negligence.
A day earlier, another coal labourer, Banu Marak, had fallen into a 100-feet deep coal quarry at Jalyiah village in the same district. “He died on the spot,” sources informed. A regular case has been registered in this connection too.
It may be noted that in December last year, as many as 11 coal labourers had died in various mine accidents in the district.