JOWAI: A budget estimate of Rs.75.18 crore for the financial year 2014-15 was tabled in the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) on Tuesday for deliberation in the House and subsequent approval.
Executive Member in charge Financial and Account Department, Joinriwel Pyrtuh, while tabling the budget said, “The estimated expenditure of Rs. 75, 18, 32, 700 is more than the estimated actual receipt of Rs. 74, 44, 10, 000, which is a deficit of Rs. 74, 22, 700 – less than the budget estimate for the current financial year”.
Pyrtuh also presented the Supplementary Demand for Grants for the financial year 2013-14 of an amount of Rs. 11, 54, 708 for consideration of the House.
“The receipt of the Council from its share of royalty on minerals received from the State Government on coal extraction is the major income of the JHADC. It is anticipated that in the coming financial year the share of the District Council from mineral resources will be Rs.69 crore,” Pyrtuh said.
He informed the House that if the receipt turns out to be less than what has been estimated, the budget deficit will further increase and have an impact on the development activities since their implementation will be hindered by fund deficiency.
The EM also informed the House that the main project of the District Council is the development of Iawmusiang Market which was entrusted to the PWD and is under construction. He assured the House that the Executive Committee will take every step necessary to ensure that the Market is properly constructed and completed within the stipulated time.
The EM further informed that the District Council is constructing the District Council Court building to house the Judicial department. The site for construction is located at the District Council Guest House. The project estimated at Rs.2.98 crore has been funded under the 13th Finance Commission. The completion of the Court building will ease congestion problem within the main building of the JHADC, Pyrtuh said.
He also informed the House that the Executive Committee was considering a proposal for construction of a separate building for the Legislative wing of the JHADC.
Funds for MDC development schemes hiked: Pyrtuh informed the House that the MDC development scheme under the Head – Civil Work Department has been enhanced from Rs.1.18 crore to Rs.3 crore. The funds would be distributed equally among all the constituencies for the purpose of their development.
The EM also stated that there are many rules which are yet to be made by the District Council like Market Regulation Act, Fishery Act, Appointment of Chief and Headman Act, besides several other Acts.
In conclusion, Pyrtuh informed the House that it has been the policy of the Executive Committee to implement the programmes and policies of the District Council in the right direction and to provide a clean and effective administration to uplift the welfare of the people of Jaintia Hills.
He requested all members of the House to lend their cooperation and contribute their best for the interest and benefit of the District Council and the people of Jaintia Hills.