Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A pathetic excuse


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The HNLC’s excuse of calling a bandh through the virtual world on the pretext of protesting against the NGT ruling and at the same against the celebration of India’s Independence is pathetic. Perhaps they should open their eyes to reality rather than making a hue and cry against the NGT ruling. What do we say of a proscribed outfit which claims to be fighting for the interest of the Jaidbynriew while siding against the NGT which has been a blessing in disguise and against illegal migrants and subsequent environmental slaughter. In fact they should uphold the noble gesture of the NGT rather than going to the extent of threatening the members which is highly condemnable and uncivilized.

Yours etc….

Dominic S.Wankhar

Publicity Secretary

HSPDP-Shillong City

And the bandh culture continues


The banned HNLC has called a three day bandh to protest against the ban on rat-hole mining of coal in the state by the NGT and to boycott Independence Day celebrations. Be quite sure that the shut- down will be a success for the reasons below.

The ‘spent-force’ is claiming to be standing for the thousands who are economically affected by the sudden ban on mining of the ‘ black diamond’. The government, pressure groups and the general public are responsible for allowing an outlawed organisation a defaulted space. The Government has appealed to the public not to pay heed to the bandh call. Why did the Government not give the same appeal on 23rd July when a newly born interest group declared bandh for the same cause? The Government’s double standard is exposed. On July 23 the Government did not even direct it’s under worked employees to attend office. In a sense the bandh on 23rd was tacitly supported by the Government.

The coal baron ministers, MLAs, MP are behind the anti-NGT protests. They even met the President to register their disapproval of the coal mining ban. That’s what we expect from such honourable men when the flow of cash affects them. These super rich representatives supported the 23rd July bandh. How can they not respond to HNLC’s call? The pressure group/s that brought the state to a standstill last month will have to observe the 48 hour HNLC bandh as they have no moral authority to oppose it.

We the general public too are responsible for perpetuating this bandh culture. We are bandh abiding citizens. We have no guts to defy bandhs. We are gripped by unreasonable fear. Even if the bandh enforcers are nowhere to be seen we stay indoors. Even if bandh callers are in hiding we remain at home. This was evident on 23 July. In Garo Hills, though there was no specific call for bandh by any group, people still observe it and shut down everything faithfully. On that particular day this soul kept the school office and classrooms open and rang the bell for Assembly. Hearing the sound of the gong a handful of students and teachers came to school but they had to be sent back after the first period for want lack of numbers.

If we collectively defy bandhs what can the bandh callers do? Nothing. If fact they will have to beat a hasty retreat. They will have to withdraw their bandh call under some flimsy reasons. People’s power is most powerful but we don’t believe it. We prefer to continue to reel under slavery. Bandh culture will continue because we allow ourselves to be ruled by fear.

Yours etc.,

Albert Thyrniang,

Via email

Why this brutality against a child?


Apropos the news item, “Son in law’s hand in murder suspected”, (ST, Aug 12), my heart bleeds at the brutality and atrocity meted out to an innocent child. No words of condemnation are enough to deplore such a heinous crime. Not only Swagarika, hundreds of Swagarikas, irrespective of caste or creed, are falling victims to such brutality almost every day. My question is why should innocent children be victims of any domestic violence or political revenge? To take revenge on parents, innocent and helpless kids are kidnapped and killed. Even baby girls are not spared. To what levels will humans degenerate before they stop? What is the solution? Is it not unfortunate that law and justice has totally failed in this country? Otherwise such anarchy could not raise its ugly head at least in our urban life. Even if a culprit is caught red handed, he escapes because our “talented” lawyers are there to prove them guiltless. Law is purchasable today. It tends to lean towards the weight of currency notes. Not even a single case of exemplary punishment is heard to prevent the culprits from committing further such crimes. May I expect an appropriate reply from the concerned authority?

I feel we are going back to the prehistoric age where there was no law and civilization. But being a woman and a mother, I cannot but raise my voice of protest against such inhuman killing of children. I once again draw the kind attention of the legal authorities to take stern action against the culprit with exemplary punishment, to put a full stop to such heinous crimes from recurring. We need to see a quick trial and conviction.

Yours etc.,

Uma Purkayastha,

Via email s


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