SHILLONG: The High Court of Meghalaya has directed BSF to pay Rs. 11,28,000 as a compensation to one Baiti Sangma of Ryngku village under Mawsynram, whose son was shot dead by BSF personnel near the Khasimara river.
The High Court, which completed the hearing on August 21, passed the judgement on September 1.
The petitioner and his son were among the people who gathered at Khasimara following a commotion on March 3, 2007.
While the BSF claimed that they had to fire to disperse some villagers who were trying to smuggle bamboo to Bangladesh, the witnesses from the villagers had maintained that there was attempt by the BSF personnel to harm two girls of the village.
The petitioner was severely beaten up by BSF personnel and thereafter they started indiscriminate firing in which petitioner’s son Mithun. A Marak, who was then 16, died.
The court had taken into account the inquiry report of the then Additional Deputy Commissioner, T. Lyngwa, and came to the conclusion that the cause of the death was due to the firing by the BSF personnel.
The court also directed BSF to pay the compensation within three months from the date of the order.