Donbok Nongkhlaw lodged a complaint at Laitumkhrah PS that during the month of October 2014 unknown miscreant stole her SBI ATM card from her residence at Malki, Shillong. On December 6, she found that an amount of Rs. 75,000 has been fraudulently withdrawn from her account.
Tapan Deb lodged a complaint at Shillong Sadar PS that on December 16 at about 8 pm, unknown miscreants broke into his house rented to Ashoke Nag at Jail Road, Shillong and vandalized the house.
On December 17 around 10:45 am, unknown miscreants (2/3) sprayed itching powder at Biangbok Marngar near M/s Roof Auto Shop, Iewduh, Shillong and snatched away his bag containing cash Rs. 1,48,000.
On December 16 at about 7:30 pm, unidentified miscreants assaulted Timnu Paite (40 yrs) at Madanrting, Shillong and snatched her bag containing clothes, cell phone and unspecified amount of money.
Laishamon Kynti Mylliempdah lodged a complaint at Rynjah PS that on December 15 at about 7:30 pm, one Imti Shylla attempted to snatch her gold chain at Dum Dum, Nongthymmai. Police arrested the accused.
On December 13 at about 9 pm, unknown miscreants stole one motorcycle (ML-13-0898) belonging to Matseng K. Sangma from Resubelpara (NGH). On December 15, the stolen motorcycle was recovered from Babukona village. Reportedly, the accused persons were apprehended and assaulted by the villagers.