Chandigarh, Aug 6 (PTI) Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today said BJP state chief Subhash Barala had “nothing to do with the incident” of a senior IAS officer’s daughter allegedly being stalked by his son and a friend here, as the opposition mounted pressure demanding his resignation. Ruling out the resignation of Barala as the BJP state chief, Khattar said, “Barala has nothing to do with this incident. It is an individual incident. The accused will face action if found guilty.” “This is my official stand. It was my stand yesterday and it is my stand today as well… After this, on this issue, no question, no answer,” he told reporters in Hisar. Barala has said he respects the law and that the “truth” will come out. Haryana’s Leader of Opposition and INLD leader Abhay Singh Chautala has demanded the resignation of Barala, after his son and an associate were arrested yesterday. Khattar had yesterday said that law would take its course in the case. Asked if Barala would step down, Khattar had said, “The matter has come to my notice. Chandigarh police have registered a case…. We have full faith in police and law. This issue is not of Subhash Barala, this pertains to an individual and whatever action will be deemed fit in this case, law will take its own course.” Both the accused, Vikas Barala (23) and Ashish Kumar (27), were released later on bail. The incident triggered a political outcry. The woman, in her later 20s, had accused Vikas and Ashish of stalking her on Friday night. PTI