Gurugram/Chandigarh, Sep 15 (IANS) Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday said the CBI will probe the brutal murder of seven-year-old student Pradhuman Thakur.
Khattar also announced the government was taking over the administration of Ryan International School in Gurugram where Pradhuman studied.
Briefing the media after visiting Pradhuman’s distraught family in Gurugram, Khattar said: “The investigation into the murder, being done by the Haryana Police, will now be done by the CBI.”
He said the Gurugram administration will take over the school for three months.
Pradhuman, a class 2 student, was found with his throat slit in a washroom of the school on September 8. A conductor of the school bus was arrested for the crime.