Actor Sonali Bendre, who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer, has been an inspiration for patients suffering from the life-threatening ailment. The actor has penned another motivational post after she opted for a wig following hairloss due to cancer treatment.
The actor took to Instagram to share a heartwarming video capturing her transformation during the course of treatment.
In the post, Bendre expressed how it is important to do what makes one happy, even if it’s something as simple as wearing a wig, bright red lipstick or high heels.
She wrote, ‘Vanity is my favourite sin.’ – Al Pacino. Well, it might not be my all-time favourite sin (that would be gluttony ), but who doesn’t like looking good? The way we look has a profound psychological impact on us. A little vanity here and there does no one any harm.
She further added, ‘No one can tell you what’s right or wrong for you. When I was testing out the wigs, I had a brief moment of self-doubt… ”
Am I vain for wanting to look good?” As part of the entertainment industry, you’re always expected to look good… Maybe that has been ingrained in me? But then I gave it a thought and I realized I like looking good for me. If I’m in the mood to wear a scarf, I will. If I want to walk around bald and free, I will.
She also thanked Priyanka Chopra for her new look, writing, “Thank you @priyankachopra for connecting me with the amazing @bokheehair, who created my new look.” (ANI)