NONGPOH : The Principal Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya, Niangbari, Ri Bhoi District, Nongpoh has informed that the last date for JNV Selection Test-2019 online registration for admission in class VI for the session 2019-20 has been extended up to 15-12-2018. Application may be submitted by accessing NVS website or can be submitted at JNV Niangbari, Ri-Bhoi on or before 15th December 2018.
Candidates studying in class V in academic session 2018-19 in Govt/Govt recognized schools may apply. Application form can be collected from St. Paul HS School, Nongpoh, Nongtluh HS School Diwon, Rangsakona High School, Byrnihat, Nehru Memorial HS School, Umsning, Myngken Christian English School, Bhoirymbong, St. Viannys High School Umsohlait, Patharkhmah Govt. HS School, Patharkhmah. A candidate seeking admission must be born between 01.05.2006 and 30.04.2010 and the date of selection test is 06-04-2019 (Saturday).
For details information, applicants may contact the following persons – (1) Debajyoti Bhuyan : 8259076523, (2) H.K. Patel : 9329561027, (3) S.P. Singh : 8809660224 & (4) S. Mukhim : 9774010409.