SHILLONG: A brainstorming session on the burgeoning traffic congestion in Shillong, which was organised by Centre for Development of North Eastern Region (CeDNER), IIM-Shillong and initiated by Good World Foundation, was held at IIM-Shillong on Wednesday.
The stakeholders pre-sent at the meeting discussed a feasible solution to ease traffic congestion in the city. The meeting proposed to submit recommendations to the government by January 10.
Discussion was held on obtaining driver’s handbook, the plethora of car loans provided by the banks, exposed water pipes on the road that should have been underground, implementation of ‘no refusal’ system for taxis, updated database for DTO and the need for more Motor Vehicle Inspectors (MVIs).
The meeting also pointed out that all driving schools should be registered and regulated by the District Transport Officer including the registration of driving instructors.
The stakeholders also raised concern on the haphazard parking of taxis and other vehicles in the busy areas such as Khyndai Lad, Barik Point, Laitumkhrah Police point, Dhankheti and Nongthymmai bus stand.
The issue of limb-threatening potholes in pedestrian footpaths and better road design were also discussed.