Chennai: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) hopes to benefit from a 7-12 per cent swing in votes in Tamil Nadu in the Lok Sabha elections due to implementation of the 10 per cent reservation on the economic criteria, party officials said here on Tuesday.”The 10 per cent reservation based on the economic criteria will benefit 65 backward class communities, 10 sections of Muslims and five sections of Christians in Tamil Nadu,” S.K. Kharventhan, President, OBC Morcha in Tamil Nadu, told IANS.”In the next Lok Sabha elections, we are confident that the beneficiaries (of quota) will vote for the BJP. Parties like the DMK and others claiming to be fighting for social justice would certainly be affected at the polls in the state.”According to Kharventhan, the DMK and others are propagating that the 10 per cent reservation would only benefit the Brahmin community in the state.”We expect about 12 per cent vote swing in the BJP’s favour. At least 5 per cent of the DMK votes will swing in the BJP’s favour. The DMK has filed a case against the 10 per cent reservation. Those who would benefit from the BJP government’s policy are upset with the DMK,” Kharventhan said. (IANS)