TURA: In a world plagued by materialistic greed, religion can play a very important role in making a humane society and Christians can be the defining factor in this regard feels Rev. Dr. Christian Abraham Benjamin who is in Tura as the main speaker for the 145th A’chik Baptist Dalgipa Krima Soba currently taking place.

Addressing a mammoth crowd at his first sermon in the Dikki Bandi Stadium on Thursday evening, the National Director of the Far East Broadcasting Associate (FEBA), Rev. Benjamin expressed sadness over the manner peoples’ lives have been changing in which everyone thinks only for themselves and do not care for others.
He cited an example about his own experience some years ago when he witnessed an accident in his city and no one came forward to help the injured.
“I was in a scooter with my little daughter when I witnessed an accident between a scooter and a motorbike. The man on the motorbike was bleeding profusely and many vehicles stopped to see what happened and then carried on without helping him. Since no one came forward to help we tried to carry him to the nearest hospital but he sadly passed away before medical health could reach him. The world will look at one’s agony and pain but will not step forward to help,” lamented Rev. Benjamin.
Appealing to all to be a better Christian, he pointed out that there are four different kinds of people in our society- one with a hardened heart who attends many conventions and go to church but does not surrender one’s life to the lord, those whose heart is very shallow, others who are with a crowded heart having too many commitments, and lastly those having a receptive heart who listens to the voice of Christ no matter wherever they may stand.
Calling upon the faithful to embrace Christ in their lives, Rev. Benjamin said that no matter the challenges and problems one faces in life, being close to God would always give us comfort.
“No one in history has ever made an impact like this man whose name is Jesus of Nazareth. He is a loving and forgiving lord and no matter how deep our sins are, he will lift us up,” said the pastor giving a comforting message to the several thousand gathered at the biggest religious conference of the Garo Baptist Convention.
Rev. Dr. Benjamin’s FEBA India is a nondenominational Gospel radio, with a passion and a mission to broadcast ‘hope’ principally to radio audiences. It was founded by a group of religious men with a passion and its audiences have touched millions of people across the globe.
It also addresses issues faced by individuals, families and communities through social action such as education, health care, disaster relief, spiritual and economic development.