TURA: Chief Secretary PS Thangkhiew, on Wednesday, held a quick review meeting with South West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner Ramkumar S and officials of the district during his brief tour of Ampati. He was accompanied by Principal Secretary DP Wahlang.
Thangkhiew, while acknowledging and commending the developmental initiatives being undertaken in the district under the leadership of the deputy commissioner, flagged three issues before the district team that required a more coordinated approach.
These include improvement in Aadhaar registration, cooperation of all departments for Census 2020 and to look at VECs as a platform for addressing compliance audit system as according to him the state is losing sizeable chunk of funds due to absence of panchayats.
He also called for synergy among the departments in implementation of central-sponsored schemes, especially when the state is facing acute fund constraints as fund flow is slowed down when implementation is tardy.
Principal Secretary DP Wahlang also hailed the initiatives of the DC but said that more needs to be done for the benefit of people by way of better coordination with Labour department for implementation of PM-SYMY scheme and to take forward Jal Jeevan Mission more seriously for bringing potable water supply to every household.