Agartala: Tripura Health Secretary Debasish Basu said the state administration was keeping an eye on the movement and health condition of 5,316 people who have recently entered the state from elsewhere, as part of its measures to check the spread of COVID-19. Of them, 49 have been placed under institutional quarantine and the rest under home quarantine, Basu said
. “A total of 5,316 passengers are under surveillance. We have started identifying people who have entered Tripura from outside recently, and will soon have details of their travel history,” he said. The state health secretary also said that adequate number of protective gears for doctors and other healthcare professionals have arrived in the state from Kolkata by chopper. “We have 539 personal protective equipment (PPE), 7,431 N95 masks, including 33,056 triple-layer masks. Apart from that, we have 17 ventilators and the state government has written o the Centre for 20 more. Basu added. (PTI)