Bollywood actor Kunal Kemmu in a new post shared how cake made him emotional a few times in the past. Kunal took to Instagram, where he shared two throwback videos of himself having cake. In the first video shows Kunal as a child actor while in the second clip is taken from his 2008 film Superstar. Both the video has him eating cake and emotionally breaking out into tears. “Something about cake always made me emotional in 1998 and in 2008 #throwback,” he captioned the clips. Kunal starred as a child artist in films like Sir, Raja Hindustani, Zakhm. It was in 2005, when he made his debut as a male lead in Kalyug. Kunal was last seen on screen in Malang and his next Lootcase is all set to release on an OTT platform. (IANS)