Hyderabad Police on Wednesday arrested Telugu film producer G. Ashok Reddy in the suicide case of Telugu television actor Kondapalli Sravani, who hanged herself last week.
Ashok Reddy, who was absconding since Monday when he along with two others were booked, was finally arrested by the police.
Police had served notice on the producer, asking him to appear before them. He, however, went into hiding and his mobile phone was also switched off.
Ashok Reddy, who produced hit movies like “RX100”, is the third accused to be arrested in the case. Sai Krishna Reddy and Devaraj Reddy were already arrested and sent to judicial custody for abetment to suicide.
The producer was taken to the Osmania Hospital for medical check-up. He will be produced in the court later in the day.
The 26-year-old actor, who is known for her work in Telugu serials like “Manasu Mamata” and “Mounaragam”, hanged herself at her apartment in Madhuranagar in Hyderabad on September 8. The police said Sravani had come in contact with Ashok Reddy in 2017. (IANS)