TURA, June 21: A conglomeration of organizations from Garo Hills on Monday urged GHADC CEM, Benedic R Marak to work towards the implementation of the long pending Garo Customary law (GCL), while at the same time making a separate demand for removal of non-tribal MDC Akthar Ali from the post of Chairman of the Forest Advisory Committee besides other issues.
Submitting separate memorandums to GHADC CEM Benedic R Marak, the All Garo Hills Joint Action Committee (AGHJAC) comprising several Garo organizations made a strong appeal for the fulfilment of the two demands at the earliest.
With regard to the implementation of the GCL, the combined groups said that the constitution of India empowers the GHADC to preserve, protect and rectify customs and traditions of the indigenous Garos and urged that the GCL is immediately and effectively passed and enacted as law for their benefit.
Pointing out that the GHADC, as the name suggests, is meant only for the indigenous Garo people, the groups raised the need to immediately prepare a separate electoral for the GHADC to exclude non-tribal participation.
“The non-tribals have been taking advantage of the absence of any kind of rule or a separate electoral roll to participate in the affairs of the GHADC. This in turn contradicts the provisions of the Sixth schedule under which the GHADC was created. Therefore, it is imperative that a separate electoral roll is created to reserve the GHADC solely for the indigenous people,” the organizations said.
On the demand for removal of non-tribal MDC Akthar Ali as the Chairman of the Forest Advisory Committee, the organizations said that keeping him in the post would do more harm than good as non-tribals who are known smugglers of timber and other forest products from Garo Hills to Assam and Bangladesh would take advantage of his position.
“We are very upset to learn of his appointment and demand that he be removed immediately. Instead, the position can be given to any Garo or tribal MDC,” they said.
The meeting between the members of organizations under the umbrella of AGHJAC and GHADC CEM Benedic R Marak was also attended by his Deputy Nikman Ch Marak. According to Convenor of the AGHJAC Balkarin Marak, both officials have assured to look into the issues raised during the meeting.