The trailer of web series ‘Nakaab’ has been launched. It is an investigative thriller directed by Soumik Sen and stars Mallika Sherawat, Esha Gupta and Gautam Rode in the lead. Speaking about her character, Mallika said, “This series investigates the hidden nuances of a glamorous industry. I play Zohra who is an inspiring single woman at the apex of the media industry, but her character is mysterious. It’s the kind of part I have never explored before and honestly I feel it’s the role of a lifetime. ‘Nakaab’ has crime, drama, secrets, and scandals and is a complete entertainer. However, it was the fantastic mysteriously layered character written by Soumik that made me immediately take up the part.” Playing the role of Sub Inspector Aditi Amre, Esha Gupta said, “What pulled me towards playing this character is that it has immense depth. Investigative dramas or thrillers have been a personal favourite for me, and I found the backdrop of this story really interesting.” ‘Nakaab’ will go live on September 15 on MX Player. (IANS)