Kolkata, Nov 25: Hyderabad FC on Thursday announced a 22-member reserve side for the 124th edition of the IFA Shield which kicked off on Wednesday. The squad will play as HFC B and will make their debut in the competition, which is one of the oldest in the world. Coached by Shameel Chembakath, Hyderabad FC B will be one of five outstation teams invited to the competition, and is the only reserve side of an ISL club to participate in the tournament.
Goalkeepers: Aman Kumar Sahani, Rewang Dorjee Lepcha, Abhinav Mulagada
Defenders: Amritpal Singh, Paogoumang Singdon, Dipu Halder, Md Safique Ahmed, Md Rafi, Deep Samanta, Jeremy Zohminghlua
Midfielders: Koustav Dutta, Suhit Chhetry, Crespo Vanlalhriatpuia, Abijith P A, Amosa Lalnundanga, Lalchungnunga Chhangte, Lalrintluanga, R Swapana, Jeevan R T
Forwards: Ishan Dey, Arun Kabrabam, Joseph Sunny, Rohlupuia. (PTI)