The trailer of the Chandu Champion starring Kartik Aaryan in the lead role was launched in his hometown Gwalior on Saturday. The trailer promises a compelling sports drama as it tells the true story of the lead character Murlikant Petkar, essayed by Kartik, as he battles the odds to emerge victorious in the battle of life. It begins with Kartik’s character getting wounded in the India-Pakistan war of 1965 and slipping into coma for two years until one day he wakes up thinking that he has been captured by the enemies. Thereon, the trailer plunges the narrative into the backstory as the viewers get to know more about Kartik’s character, his childhood, resilience, and his single-point focus as he excels in boxing, wrestling, and sprinting. (IANS)
Kartik Aaryan shines as boxer, soldier, wrestler in Chandu Champion
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