Sunday, June 30, 2024

Announce ADC polls without delay: UDP


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By Our Reporter

SHILLONG, June 26: The Opposition UDP in the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council has asked the state government to announce the district council election at the earliest.
UDP Parliamentary Party leader, Titosstarwell Chyne told reporters on Wednesday that the party had advocated that the election should be held as soon as the KHADC’s term ended but the state government decided to extend the term for another six months in view of the ongoing delimitation exercise.
According to him, the delimitation committee is on the job to readjust the existing 29 constituencies.
Chyne said that the delimitation exercise is going to affect majority of the constituencies, especially the bigger constituencies which have more than 30,000 voters. “We want a comprehensive report from the delimitation committee leaving no room for debate. The delimitation committee is adequately equipped to do the job,” he said.


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