Sunday, June 30, 2024

GH Nokmas want status quo on quota policy


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TURA, June 27: The voice against any proposed tweak in the Meghalaya State Reservation Policy of 1972 is gaining momentum in Garo Hills with the Council of Nokmas from Tura on Thursday stating that they wanted status quo on the policy.
The council gave its views and suggestions on the reservation policy in the form of a letter addressed to LK Diengdoh, the Secretary of the Expert Committee of Reservation Policy.
Like other groups from Garo Hills, the council also pointed out that the reservation policy was framed by the founding fathers of Meghalaya to uplift the backward class and the existing reservation of 40% each for Garos and Khasi-Jaintias and 20% for others was well devised and balanced, if followed strictly.
The council also reminded that despite 50 years of Statehood, the Garos were still backward and they need the 40% reservation to compete with the two other major tribes — the Khasis and the Jaintias.
It added any reduction in the reservation would lead to unemployed problems among the youth in Garo Hills, which in turn, could result in them being led astray.
Making a suggestion, the council said, “The declaration and appointment of successful candidates should be made public in a transparent manner and reservation quota for later appointments from the waiting list should also be transparent and maintained strictly.”
Pointing out that there are many employment opportunities in central government offices in Shillong like the Accountant General’s Office, General Post Office, Telephone Office, and Geological Survey of India, besides others to which the Garos do not have access, the Nokmas made it clear that they wanted status quo to be maintained on the reservation policy.


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