The Shillong audition of India’s Big Superstar, being launched by Banktesh Cine Vision Private Limited (a unit of Balaji Group of companies), will be held at Shillong College on May 20. Those aged between 10-30 years can participate in the auditions in acting, singing, dancing or instrumental categories.
Album release
The Busters, a Nepali pop rock band based in Shillong, will release their audio album ‘Biti Sake Ka Pal’ at the State Central Library at 3 pm on May 21. A live concert will follow.
Cultural evening
Suranjana, socio-cultural organisation, organised a cultural evening at U Soso Tham Auditorium on May 14. Renowned artiste from Kolkata Swadesh Ranjan Das and Rajeev Chattapadhay performed on the occasion.
Hindi workshop
A special one-day Hindi workshop cum training programme was held at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Science recently. The aim of the programme was to provide guidelines to the employees/officers of official language departments regarding their work in promoting Hindi in official work.